Вопрос и ответ

What is the purpose of this site? To encourage and help people learn Russian.
To provide material for further study, and for enjoyment.
To show and present the language and the country.
To offer more knowledge and a better understanding of Russia and the Russians.

How can I get my website listed in the links? Send an email to info[a]rusland1.nl. Only non-commercial and Russia-related links are eligible.

What are the criteria for inclusion in Music and Land & People? For Music: it should be in the Russian language, at least partially. This includes music from outside present-day Russia. Hear the language!
For Land & People: it should be about Russia or Russians, from any perspective. If there are visuals, feel free to share them.

Who is behind Rusland1? This website is largely a one-person hobby project. I love languages and fell in love with Russian. I was taught by Inna Teslya (Rusles For You, Breda), which helped immensely. Often distracted during the hours I was supposed to be studying, and this is the result.
All texts © Rusland1, unless stated otherwise.

When should I definitely contact Rusland1? If you find a broken link or a removed video.
If you spot mistakes in the language or translation.
If you have suggestions for a topic or music.
If you think you can help or make improvements.
If you have a question that isn't answered here.
Via email.

Can I contact you in Russian? Although my Russian isn't perfectly fluent yet, I can read and write in Russian. Feel free to contact me in Russian. Suggestions for new content are welcome. However, responses in Russian may take some time or may not be sent at all. I will strive to improve and do more!
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